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Carl Eckels joined KQV in 1971 coming to Pittsburgh from WSAI in Cincinnati. Carl replaced Phil Hayes as KQV's News Director. Carl also spent time at KQV's sister station WDVE-FM. Carl went over to DVE in 1973 replacing Carolyn Smith. After KQV switched to all news in 1975 with NBC's News and Information Service, Carl returned to KQV as News Director and Operations Manager, where he remained until 1979. He was kind enough to send this set of pictures from his files.
KQV Staff Photo
Staff Photo - Front to Back
Suzie Gooch - Programming Secretary Tom Daniels - WDVE Producer
Claudia Jarvis - KQV Receptionist Carl Eckels - KQV News Director
Jenny Karish - Engineering Secretary Tom Martin - KQV News
Steve Conti - Master Control Engineer Bob Wilson 
Bob Harper - KQV Program Director Chris Hood - WDVE Staff Engineer
Carl Eckels in KQV News Bureau
KQV-IP Bob DeCarlo in KQV Studio A
Outside KQV Studios on 7th Avenue
KQV-IP Jon Summers in KQV Studio A
KQV PD Bob Harper in his office
KQV News Bob Harvey & Tom Martin
KQV Receptionist Claudia Jarvis
KQV-FM Automation for LOVE FM
KQV Double Dribblers
KQV Double Dribblers
KQV Studio B
KQV Studio B
KQV's Mark Schaefer
KQV's Jon Summers & Larry Clark
KQV's Tom Martin
KQV's Perry Marshall

KQV Engineer Steve Conti

KQV Engineer Steve Conti

Perry Marshall mugs for camera

KQV News vehicle

Bob Harvey works on a story

Tom Martin & John O'Malley

Jim Quinn rides again

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