KQV News ... Over the years, KQV News was the home for many of Pittsburgh's finest newscasters.  Here is a list of many who called the KQV news bureau home.
Ira Apple * Keeve Berman # Alan Boal #
Bill Burns * Bill Clark Alton Crouch
Carl Eckels # Bill Gill Walt Golden #
Bill Green Bob Harvey * Phil Hayes
Derek Hill Ken Hildebrand * Lynn Hinds #
Peter Jackson * Dave James # Bill Jennings *
Al Julius * Bob Kopler # Elaine Leaphart
John Lloyd Steve Lohle * Glen Martin
Les Martin Steve Martin Tom Martin
Greg Mason Bob McKay John O'Malley #
Bill Reese Joel Rose * Mark Schaefer *
Charles Scott Carolyn Smith # Ed Spencer
Richard Stone Jim Westover Al Brenick
Bill Williams      
KQV News Car
Al Julius Accepting
Golden Quill Award
Tom Martin & Bob Harvey
Bill Clark
Bill Jennings #
Keeve Berman #
Alton Crouch
Bob Kopler #
Mark Schaefer *
Tom Martin
Bob Harvey *
Alan Boal #
Ken Hildebrand *
Carolyn Smith #
Dave James #
 Carl Eckels #
Lynn Hinds *
 KQV News Vehicle
Seve Lohle *
Walt Golden #
Elaine Leaphart
Bill Williams
Al Brenick

1966 KQV News Team Awards $25 for Best News Tip

Plus the many men and women of ABC News