Back in the day, KQV merchandise was not available. Now though our Cafe Press store
you can buy KQV memorabilia. All items are sold at cost. I make no profit on any of
these items. Click on an item and it will take you to my Cafe Press store.
All items are sold at cost. 0% Markup

KQV Samsung S3 Phone Case & Beatles Puzzle

KQV Stickers

KQV Hats

KQV Hats

KQV Hats

KQV Ornament

KQV Clock

KQV Ceramic Tile

KQV Mouse Pad

KQV Messanger Bag

KQV Tote Bag
(side 1)

KQV Tote Bag
(side 2)

KQV News

KQV Ceramic

KQV T Shirt

KQV Sweatshirt

KQV Super Summer\Magney

KQV Rock People
Click on the logo at the top to enter the store.