Announcer: And now,
a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.
"Hello, my name is Tommy
Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm
the president of the organization! I didn't always lie. No, when I was
a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money
out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework -that my teacher
told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened! After
that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I
was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching
a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And
then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er,
Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact,
I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.
And then my cousin died -
Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself.
Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a
half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right..
And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous. Oh, you'd be surprised
how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my
wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a change man now, and all because of
Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover
of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah,
you betcha!"
first appearance on November 16, 1985)
Tommy's 2nd appearance
on November 23, 1985
Pee Wee & Tommy In Jail
(with guest Pee Wee Herman)
& Pee Wee (4:29)
Tommy's 3rd appearance
on December 14, 1985
Tommy & His Mother
(with guest Tom Hanks)
Tommy's 4th appearance
on January 25, 1986
Tommy on Weekend Update
(with Dennis Miller)
Tommy's 5th appearance
on February 15, 1986
Pathological Liar Picks Up
Jerry Hall
& Jerry (3:35)
Bartender: What
can I get you?
Jerry Hall: Uh..
I think I'll have a white wine spritzer. [ he places it on the counter
and moves aside ] Can I get a
[ pulls out a cigarette ]
Tommy Flanagan:
[ swaying next to her with a cigarette lighter extended toward her ] I
got it!
Jerry Hall: Thank
Tommy Flanagan:
My name's Tommy, Dr. Tom.. uh.. Senator Tommy Flanagan.
Jerry Hall: Really?
Tommy Flanagan:
Mmm hmm.. Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Jerry Hall: I
doubt it.
Tommy Flanagan:
Oh, I know! I saw you at the.. White House! Yeah, that's the ticket. Why,
I was just there last..
uh.. yesterday.
Yeah.. having dinner with the Royal Family.
Jerry Hall: Which
Royal Family?
Tommy Flanagan:
Uh.. the one on TV. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a producer, you know. Big-time tele..
movie producer.
Yeah, that's
the ticket! So, what do you do?
Jerry Hall: Oh,
I do some modeling, I wrote a book, and I'm into rock and roll.
Tommy Flanagan:
Oh, yeah? I wrote a book about rock and roll. Yeah, it was about the guy
who invented rock
and roll.
Yeah, that's it! In fact, it was.. it was an autobiography! Yeah!
Jerry Hall: [
not buying it ] You invented rock and roll?
Tommy Flanagan:
Mmm hmm. Swing, too. Yeah, I played with all the big bands - Elvis Presley,
Buddy Holly, The Who..
Jerry Hall: And
I suppose you played with The Stones, too, huh?
Tommy Flanagan:
Well, now you're being silly! I never played with them.
Jerry Hall: I
didn't think so.
Tommy Flanagan:
No. I managed them! Yeah.. I did. In fact, I wrote all their songs, too.
You remember
I wrote it!
Jerry Hall: You
did not write "Satisfaction".
Tommy Flanagan:
Well.. not all of it. Actually.. uh.. Mick Jagger wrote it. Yeah, that's
it! But it was originally
uh.. "I Can't Get No.. uh.. Service in This Place".. and I changed it!
Jerry Hall: You
know Mick Jagger?
Tommy Flanagan:
Yeah. We were in Vietnam together. In fact, I saved his life.
Jerry Hall: He
was never in 'Nam.
Tommy Flanagan:
That's how I saved his life - I talked him out of going!
Jerry Hall: Come
on! you never met Mick Jagger!
Tommy Flanagan:
Oh, yeah? How do you know?
Jerry Hall: Because
I'm his wife.
Tommy Flanagan:
Oh. [ looks at her hand ] Yeah, well, where's your wedding band?
Jerry Hall: We're
not exactly married.
Tommy Flanagan:
Ah-ha! I knew you were lying!
Jerry Hall: Well,
I am his girlfriend. [ looks to her side ] In fact, here he is now!
Mick Jagger: Hi,
darling! I'm sorry I'm a little late. I was.. locked in the studio.
Jerry Hall: Never
mind, let's just get going.. [ gets up ]
Tommy Flanagan:
[ faking ] Hey, Mick, how you doing! It's me, Tommy! Remember?
Mick Jagger: Who's
this guy?
Jerry Hall: Some
guy named "Tommy", who thinks he knows you.
Mick Jagger: [
thinking ] Oh, yeah.. I know him!
Tommy Flanagan:
[ surprised ] You do?
Jerry Halll: [
also surprised ] Really?
Mick Jagger: Yeah.
You remember last weekend when I didn't come home? Uh.. I.. I was.. I was
with Tommy.
That's right!
We were.. we were.. uh.. [ Tommy pantomimes fishing ] together!
That's the ticket! Right,
Tommy Flanagan:
[ on the spot ] Yeah, Mick, that's the ticket! You and me, fishing! Yeah!
You bet!
Mick Jagger: We
caught one this big! [ holds his arms out a couple of feet, while Tommy
holds his out twice as
much ]
Jerry Hall: [
not interested, wanting to go ] Come on.. [ pulls Mick out of the bar ]
Tommy Flanagan:
See? I told you I knew him.
Mick Jagger: [
whispering to Tommy as he passes ] Thanks, buddy, I owe you for this one.
[ faces the camera
before he
exits ] "Live, from New York, it's Saturday Night!" |
Tommy's 6th appearance
on February 22, 1986
Tommy's Studio Tour
(with Jay Leno)
Tommy's 7th appearance
on March 15, 1986
SNL Rumors
Tommy's 8th appearance
on March 22, 1986
Tommy As Grant Tinker
(with Francis Ford Coppola
and Lornie Michaels)
Tommy's 9th appearance
on May 10, 1986
Producer Tommy Flanagan
(with Katherine Oxenberg)
Tommy's 10th appearance
on May 17, 1986
Mike "The Menace" Hall
(Dennis Miller w/ Anthony
Michael Hall)
Tommy's 11th appearance
on October 11, 1986
Tommy & His Girlfriends
(with Sigourney Weaver)
Tommy's 12th appearance
on November 8, 1986
Tommy "Lorne" Flanagan
(with Rosanna Arquette)
Tommy's 13th appearance
on December 6, 1986
Weekend Update
(with Dennis Miller &
Chevy Chase)
Tommy's 14th appearance
on January 24, 1987
Tommy & Walter Payton
(with Walter Payton &
A Whitney Brown)
Tommy's 15th appearance
on February 21, 1987
Tommy & Willie Nelson
(with Willie Nelson)
Tommy's 16th appearance
on May 23, 1987
Weekend Update
(with Dennis Miller)
Tommy's 17th appearance
on April 1, 1989
Weekend Update
(with Dennis Miller)
Tommy's last appearance
on November 8, 1997
Weekend Update
(with Norm MacDonald)

that's the ticket !
was frozen in a glacier
discovered the Philipines
went to Tibet
Hanukkah Harry
Hanukkah Harry appeared
2 times on Saturday Night live.
Hanukkah Harry's
1st appearance on December 16, 1989
The Night Hanukkah Harry
Saved Christmas
(with Victoria Jackson
and Mike Myers)
Harry Saves Christmas
Hanukkah Harry's
1st appearance on April 14, 1990
The Night Hanukkah Harry
Saved Easter
(with Jan Hooks and Tom
Master Thespian
Master Thespian appeared
13 times on Saturday Night Live
Master Thespian's
1st appearance on December 7, 1985
Master Thespian
(with John Lithgow as
Thespian (4:56)
Master Thespian's
2nd appearance on January 25, 1986
Master Thespian
(with Dudley Moore
as Sir Roger Tewksbury)
Master Thespian's
3rd appearance on February 15, 1986
Master Thespian
(with Jerry Hall as Sire
Rebecca Maheux)
Master Thespian's
4th appearance on March 22, 1986
Master Thespian's Ghost
(with Francis Ford Coppola)
Master Thespian's
5th appearance on March 22, 1986
The Grand Finale
Master Thespian's
6th appearance on April 19, 1986
Master Thespian
Master Thespian's
7th appearance on November 22, 1986
And So Adieu
(with Phil Harman as
Master Thespian's
8th appearance on April 11, 1987
Master Thespian
(with John Lithgow as
Master Thespian's
9th appearance on December 19, 1987
Master Thespian
Master Thespian's
10th appearance on January 30, 1988
Master Thespian
(with Carl Weathers as
Chin Hua)
Master Thespian's
11th appearance on November 19, 1988
Master Thespian
(with John Lithgow as
Master Thespian's
12th appearance on December 10, 1988
(with Kevin Kline)
Master Thespian's
last appearance on February 25, 1989
Master Thespian
(with Glenn Close as
Astoria Dubois V)
Brilliant ! Genius
Harry Meyer
Harry Meyer appeared
2 times on Saturday Night Live
Harry Meyer's 1st
appearance on October 18, 1986
Johnny's Finished
(with Phil Hartman as
Johnny O'Connor)
Lettin' You Go !
Harry Meyer's 2nd
appearance on September 20, 1989
Johnny's Replacement
(with Phil Hartman as
Johnny O'Connor and Bruce Willis as Marty Murphy)
The Girl Watchers
The Girl Watchers appeared
3 times.

Are Losers
Don't Know What's Sadder

Bob in The Stand-Ups
The Stand-Ups Appeared
3 times on Saturday Night Live
The Stand-Ups
The Stand-Ups 1st appearance
on December 14, 1985
(with Damon Wayans)
The Stand-Ups
The Stand-Ups 2nd appearance
on February 22, 1986
(with Dennis Miller &
Damon Wayans)
The Stand-Ups
The Stand-Ups last appearance
on February 20, 1988
(with Tom Hanks &
Dennis Miller)
Stand-Ups (3:28)
Mr. Mephistopheles
Mephistopheles appeared
12 times.

Get To Know Me !
To Know Me (1:59)
"The national budget is so complicated,
you have to be a genius to understand it. You also have to be important,
famous and successful. You say you're none of these? Well, then, I have
one piece of advice for you - Get to know me! Get to know my likes, my
dislikes. What makes me tick? What makes me me? What's my favorite color?
Do I always come to life in the Spring? Get to know me! Now, here's a letter
from a man who lives in Manhatten: "Dear Jon, before I got to know you,
I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I didn't have a cent to my name. In fact,
I didn't have a name - I couldn't afford one. And then I got to know you,
and today they call me Donald Trump!" Get to know me! What do I do in my
spare time? Have I always had this much hair? Where is my secret freckle?
Get to know me! Now, here's a letter from a woman who lives in Europe:
"Dear Jon, before I got to know you, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I
had bad teeth and couldn't afford braces. And then one day, I got to know
you. Well, I never got those braces, but today they call me Queen Elizabeth!"
Get to know me! Now, here's a letter from someone who didn't get to know
me: "Dear Blank, I didn't get to know you, signed Nobody." Now, I know
some of you are probably thinking, "What a jerk!" Congratulations! You're
getting to know me! So, remember, if you want to get to know me, get to
know me!" (SNL - Weekend Update - 2/20/88)

[open on Jon Lovitz sitting
at a table in the russian Tea Room with Paulina Poriskova]
Jon Lovitz: Hello, I'm
Job Lovitz, and I'm having lunch in the Russian Tea Room with the most
beautiful woman
in the
world - Paulina! Well, we can't all be me. But if you'd like to fulfill
your dream like I did, then I have one
of advice for you - Get To Know Me! When did I chip my tooth? Why do I
drain my foot? Where is my
bone? Get To Know Me! Got to go - listen to him!
Don Pardo: Hello!
Before I got to know Jon, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody! I was stuck in
a room reading
I could barely understand! And then, I got to know him, and now I get to
be on TV! And today,
call me.. Don Pardo!
Jon Lovitz: Get To
Know Me! Why do I never wear a hat? Why was I banned from Bangkok? Why
do women
me "The Anchor"?
Paulina Poriskova:
You.. stud! You gorgeous hunk of male flesh.
Jon Lovitz: [ to
the camera ] Yes! [ to Paulina ] Uh.. a little lower and to the left. Get
To Know Me! Still
if you should? Then listen to him!
Lee Iacocca: Before
I got to know Jon, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody! I couldn't get a job
to save my life! And
they call me.. Lee Iacocca! Get to know him! And buy a Chrysler..
Don Pardo: It works,
I tell you, it works!
Jon Lovitz: Get out,
I tell you, get out! Get To Know Me! Why do girls speak to me? Do I shave
my eyebrows
in the
middle? Get To Know Me! And now, a final testimonial, from a man who speaks
the truth!
Steve Martin: Before
I got to know Jon, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody! I was a two-bit comic
with an arrow
through my head! And then, I got to know him, and now I just starred in
a movie called "Parenthood",
by Opie! And today, they call me.. Steve Martin!
Jon Lovitz: Thank
Steve Martin: Thank
Lee Iacocca: It's
true, I tell you, it's true! Buy a Chrsyler..
Paulina Poriskova:
He's a stud!
Steve Martin: I might
do a movie directed by Potsie!
Don Pardo: I'm on
Jon Lovitz: Get To
Know Me!! (SNL - 05/20/89) |