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"Every once
in a while during my show I get the urge to rip a Beatle record off the
turntable and smash it against the wall!" reveals WLS platter purveyor
Clark Weber.
How come the violent, secret urge? "Cause I know Riley would scream in anguish," Clark chuckles. "I really believe the four boys from Britain are a talented group. The only reason I give the Beatles an occasional blast is to bug Ron Riley. It keeps old Curly Locks slightly off balance." This fast-paced swapping of insults between Ron Riley and Clark keeps the ball bouncing between the two popular disc jockeys, and provides ammunition for Riley's Rebel Raiders and Weber's loyal Commandos. In fact, Clark often gets excited calls from his followers, tipping him on the latest salvos from Riley. The Weber wit is well know to listeners of his show, as well as the thousands of young people he meets at record hops each year. There's no stopping him. His rapid, up-beat chatter sizzles with a stream of such zingers as: "Riley drinks so much he uses his cuff links as curb feelers," and "The best part of Riley's show is when he reads excerpts from his honorable discharge." What's the Weber story? Clark launched his career in radio about 12 years ago, when wearing the "blues" of the U.S. Navy. Clark had just returned from a rugged stretch of combat duty with the Navy in Korea, and he was assigned to the Armed Forces Radio Services. Although a real "ham" radio addict since a youngster, Clark had never performed on mike. "After the first few moments of swallowing my jitters," he recalls, "I was gabbing away like an old pro." The young sailor decided on a radio career then and there. Clark handled record-spinning chores with Armed Forces Radio. "After my discharge," he says, "I landed an announcing job in West Bend, Wis., and later moved to a Milwaukee station as a disc jockey." He joined WLS in 1960, in the 12 midnight to 5 a.m. slot, later being assigned to his present morning time segment. Clark's home is in Evanston, Ill, where he lives with his attractive wife, joan, and a "flock of daughters," Ann, 10, Peggy, 8, and 7-year-old twins Jean and Janet. One of the Weber hobbies - ham radio - has developed into a fully equipped set-up in his home. "I talk to everyone in the world on my rig," he says, "except Riley, of course." There's another part-time activity that Clark gets a kick out of - flying. An experienced private pilot, Clark uses a plane for traveling to his record hops around the Midwest, in addition to an occasional cross-country hop "just for the heck of it." "I dig record hops," reports Clark, "Talking with the groups of young adults and teensters keeps me on the ball - in touch with this vital segment of the general public. It surprises the so-called adult world when i clue them on the abilities and knowledge of teenagers. I've seen groups of young folks accomplish some amazing things for such worthy causes as the Red Cross, Heart Fund and other drives. When you get a young gang of guys and gals pulling together for a cause, you can accomplish miracles." Clark recently assumed command of the post of program manager for WLS, which means he gives the final nod to all the music played on this top Chicagoland station. He takes the position very seriously. "We screen roughly 200 records per week." he says, "to pick only about 75 for playing on the air. Although it's a hectic chore, we listen to as many new records as we possibly can, to give everyone a fair break. "Very often, I'll take a few brand new, untried records with me to hops, and let the teen-agers give me an opinion. They're a critical audience. If the tune's a bomb, they let you know immediately. If they like it, There's a good chance the record will go over big throughout the area." His hopes for the future? "I've always been a pretty ambitious sort of guy," he states. "I want to be best at whatever I'm doing. Since I love being a disc jockey and meeting people, i just want to be the best record-spinner in the business." Judging by his avalanche of fan mail and calls, and his excellent ratings, Clark Weber has just about achieved his ambition to be "the best." |
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