wingee worldwide widget pc

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World Headquarters in Hoffer, PA
wingee worldwide widget pc
If you need a widget you've come to the right place!
wingee has been supplying widgets to the world for a millenium
100 Year Celebration


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Business Opportunity!

wingee hands free tech co.
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    About Us
    wingee worldwide widget pc is known for quality widgets. We have led the world market in widgets for a century. Our corporate history is not well documented but it goes way back. We have always been highly regarded for our widgets.
    However, our other corporate holdings have been, in chrnological order:

    wingee wooden wheel co. ~ whoda thunkit ..steel wheels? 1903-1928
    sahara forest timbering co ~ hugely successful desert restoration 1906-1912
    wingee stock brokerage ~ bad timing and the licensing thing.. 1929-1929
    wingee atomic bomb co. ~ short lived Army contract 1943-1945
    wingee barrel co. ~ barrels of widgets for beer 1945-2002
    tucker motor co. ~ it was those 3 damn headlights.. 1946-1948
    edsel car co. ~ Ford saw a good deal! 1957-1960
    wingee weight loss centers ~ Ethiopian venture 1962-1980
    wingee hula hoops ltd. ~ turned into the next listed venture 1970-1972
    wingee chiropractic ~ something about licensing again.. 1973-1973
    wingee funeral homes ~ innovative layaway plan never caught on 1974-1975
    wingee 'n ollie inc. ~ arms for hostages (damned congress) 1976-1981
    enron corp. ~ providing executive travel to Cayman Islands 1981-2002
    wingee nascar ticket scalpers ~ undone by TrackTix ..darn girl! 1999-2002

    ..but always ..widgets have been our flagship. Our previous and ongoing other ventures provide us with an unending supply of widgets. The only this is, something about a Super Fund cleanup ..they're coming next week look over our world headquarters ..something about drain oil and some friggin' batteries and old steel barrels we buried ..and no, I don't know what was in the barrels .. but this paint company paid us and, what has that got to do with our chickens dying ..what, the wells? Yea, we do drink bottled water here ..but ...

    Use the links!

    Whatsa Widget?
    If you have to ask you are on the wrong website.

    You scrollin' fool!

    Other Frequently Asked Questions
    How big is a widget?
    Widgets come in four sizes:
    • small
    • medium
    • large
    • larger
    How much is a widget?
    Widgets are priced as follows:
    • Low priced
    • Medium priced
    • High piced
    How much is shipping?
    Shipping is per your shipping zone:
    • $35.00
    When go I get my widget?
    Delivery time varies:
    • One year
    Is my widget guaranteed?
    Full warranty applies:
    • None
    • Extended warranty available
    Do you take tradeins?
    Customer Service would be happy to discuss upgrading you widget:
    • No
    What does the PC in your campany name mean?
    It was a typo by the lady at the courthouse.

    Try the handy links!

    Our Highly Qualified Staff
    General Mgr.                       Secretary & Customer Service
    Dedicated management   Eager to serve you

    Your mouse will run off the pad!

    Widgets at Home
    wingee worldwide widget pc supplies literally tons of widgets to the domestic market. Our efficiency assures our customers of a quality product.
                  Right: Our warehousing facility.
    Below: The executive office suite.
    To the rear is the shipping department.

    Executive offices and shipping department

    Modern warehouse

    Widgets Abroad
    wingee worldwide widget pc does indeed supply the world with widgets. Here is our partner Aristotle getting ready to load for a shipment to Germany. Our barrels (another wingee enterprise) seem to be in demand over there. They insist we use barrels to pack the widgets.

    Fast international deliveries

    The links are easier!

    wingee yer the greatest!   Who are these people?   I lie
    "Made my life worthwhile"    "It works for us."               "Couldn't do without it"
    Realize your potential. Change your life forever. Order yours now!

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    Contact Us

    wingee worldwide widget pc

    Hoffer, PA


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    last site update 16 Mar 04