Society for the Preservation of Polyesters

last site update
3 Nov 04

to the official home page of the
Society for the Preservation of Polyesters
Protecting the polyester population for posterity
Save the Polyesters!

We hope you will join us in our fight to stamp out the senseless slaughter of billions of helpless polyesters across the world. Our grassroots campaign is rapidly growing but we still need your help to spread the word that polyesters are living, feeling creatures too. Imagine the horror of these small beings as they are choking their last breath, clutching their young to their breasts as uncaring humans thoughtlessly slaughter them just to make tacky clothing.

Do you have any idea as to how many of these cute little creatures it takes to make just one polyester suit?

Come join us and help our cause. Read about the things you can start to do now to help rectify the situation starting in your own backyard and home. Contact us if you know of other ways to help. And, of course, make a huge donation.

Read the Disclaimer first before proceeding.

New    Amazing newly found footage of a mating pair of polyesters!  Click Here

The desecration continues. Polyester items for sale on

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